Two Ab exercises for nearly all

Ab exercises for postpartum

There are so many exercises that get a bad rap when it comes to the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. I hate the stigma that exercises get, because there really are no bad exercises. Movement is life and all movements of the human body are good for the body at times. Unless a position or movement is painful, then it should not be put on a never do list. These are two of my favorite abdominal exercises. They are both performed on all fours or in quadruped, but they are very different.

The first is essentially a crunch but performed face down. It is a wonderful exercise for after 6 weeks postpartum to reeducate the abdominal muscles to contract in a healthy pattern. It is also exhausting for those with a strong coordinated abdominal wall. At the top of the motion you should have a strong abdominal contraction that burns. The abdominal muscles should be the driving force, and if performed well the gluts should stay relaxed. This exercise can help to break the common postpartum pattern of glut clenching. Check out the video and let me know what you think

This is another favorite of mine. Combining glut contraction and abdominal control. In the crunch exercise the trunk is moving with a strong forceful abdominal contraction, but in the bird dog exercise the abdominal muscles are working more subtly. The goal is to maintain control and alignment. Your spine should not twist, your pelvis should not wobble, and your back should not extend. Only your hip and opposite shoulder should move at all.

Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite abdominal exercise is!


Talking to your kids about their pelvic floor

