What is rectus diastasis?

Abdominal muscle layers. (Permission to use copyright image from Pelvic Guru, LLC)

Rectus diastasis or diastasis recti is a hot topic right now. I have moms asking me all the time whether they have a diastasis and what it means for them.

A brief anatomy lesson:

You have 4 abdominal muscles, all contracting with different lines of pull. The outer most abdominal muscle is called the rectus abdominis. This is the ab muscle that is visible on a person with a six-pack. The word recti or rectus included in the name of this condition is in reference to the rectus abdominis muscle. Under the rectus abdominis and wrapping around your torso are your external obliques and internal obliques. The inner most abdominal muscle is called the transverse abdominis. The transverse abdominis is positioned like a corset around your belly. In the center of your abdomen, connecting the right and left sides of your muscles is connective tissue called the linea alba.

Next, let’s talk about what rectus diastasis is

Rectus diastasis is a normal separation (that’s right NORMAL) that occurs between the right and left sides of your rectus abdominis. In pregnancy, it is normal for the linea alba to widen and thin causing the muscles to appear and feel (when touched) separated from each other.

If it is normal, then what is the big deal?

The separation is normal during pregnancy, and in itself, it’s not a big deal. It is a big deal for you to have difficulty engaging your abdominal muscles and feel weak. You can be strong with a diastasis recti or you can weak without a separation. You should feel strong and capable in all aspects of your life, whether a separation exists or not. If your diastasis remains too wide or too deep for too long after pregnancy, then it can be difficult to use your ab muscles. Without being able to engage your abdominal muscles effectively it can often be harder to create the stability needed to lift your children, clean your house, workout, and live your life fully. Many people also feel self conscious about the appearance of the abdomen when diastasis recti is present. Fortunately, the look often can also be improved with strengthening, reeducation, and toning.

Want to know if you have a rectus diastasis? Check out this post.


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